Crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break
Crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break

Epoch Battles: Twelve battlefields, called planets, are arranged in a ring.Due to the potential of abuse, rewards are lower than Arena. Also you can create your own stages here with a stage editor. Team fight arena: Has practice and Capture the Flag modes.The team that reaches 0 BP loses, while the other team left standing wins. The more costly your robot is, the more BP your team loses. Each robot has a cost (dependent on parts, weapons, tune ups, and cartridges). In a PvP match, each team has a set number of Battle Points depending on how many players are in the room.30 players at one time on a multitude of maps. Arena: Massive PvP battles of up to 15 vs.

crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break

You can only do it with parts that have tune-up slots, and there's a chance that the tune-up will fail, leaving a broken slot. Tune-ups: You can modify the stat boosts a part gives by giving it a tune up with certain tune-up materials.There are also special, real money only buy-able Cartridges. These are a form of bot-specific customizations beyond merely swapping out body parts For example you can choose the Blast Guard cartridge to reduce damage from explosives, or Boost Run that allows you to use your booster jets (normally used as a form of stamina gauge for flight / jumping) to increase running speed. Cartridge system: Every time a bot levels up, you can choose a cartridge from your robot's set to further customize it.When it's full, player can summon the bit of his choice that will float nearby, attacking your enemies\healing allies\allowing you to fly longer\etc. Wonder Bit system: As player deals and(with a certain cartridge) receives damage, buffs\debuffs, the wonder bit gauge increases.Air units are aerial fast movers, and specialize in beam weapons to take down land units.

#Crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break full#

Artillery units have the broadest and longest firing range and with full access to explosive weapons they boast superior firepower that can clear the sky from enemy air units. Land units are highly mobile and specialize in melee weapons to hack apart Artillery units.

  • Rock Paper Scissors system: Three of the four mech types form such a system.
  • Also they can be further improved by tuning them up.
  • A lot of parts have inbuilt abilities and\or weapons.
  • A huge amount of weapons, from melee and rifles to cruise missiles and beam cannons.
  • A texture editor that allows to change the robot's texture to whatever you want.
  • Robots are your usual mechs, animal themed mechs and ridiculously human robot girls.
  • Dozens of robots, most of which have up to 6 parts(arm, legs, head, booster) that can be replaced with parts from other bots, creating a high level of customization.
  • The Japanese servers have been running since 2008, and the English version came out of its betas and had its official release this past December 2010. It is the sequel to an earlier game, C21.

    crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break

    Cosmic Break is an MMO third person mecha shooter created by the Japanese company Cyberstep, available in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.

    Crimson veil vs clearance cosmic break